[Garnalennet] Mast IDEC
niels tempel
adsl637538 op telfort.nl
Ma Jan 14 11:55:50 CET 2008
Onderstaand engelstalige samenvatting van franse site:
Whilst working on top of the mast, Francis found damage on the starboard
fixation of the shroud. That threatens to break and could cause the dismasting
of the boat.
Also the skipper injured his ankle during his second climb at the top of
the mast during the night.
With more than 22800 miles to the counter, driven at high speed and bluntly,
IDEC is showing some signs of fatigue.
First was the failure of the main sail halyard, which forced last night the
IDEC?s skipper in a perilous ascent in the mast.
And it is at the top of the mast that Francis discovered a much more serious
problem in the starboard shroud?s fixation.
Francis has therefore considerably reduced the pace of his trimaran, and
he is now sailing under staysail and three reefs. The risk is obviously the
dismasting of the boat.
More information tomorrow!
Niels Tempel
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